
Arnea City of honey, handycrafts and glorious spirit

The village of Arnea,which stands under the protection of the mountain ridges of Kholomondas, is famous for its handycrafts throughout Hellas. Home-made carpets, embroidered canvases and delicious mountain honey - these are the kind of souvenirs that travelers bring from Arnea.

The world of contemplation and beauty

Greek settlements traditionally amaze holidaymakers who have escaped from their megalopolises into this place of peace and quiet life. Only an hour and a half drive from the busy life of Thessaloniki - and the traveler finds themselves in a completely different world. Olympus glitters with its majestic snow peaks on the horizon, andthere are noisy oaks of Taxiarchian forest nearby. Once upon a time there was an ancient settlement Arne, which was destroyed by the troops of Philip of Macedon - the famous king of ancient times. The empty places were re-occupied only in the 15th century.

New residents began to create wealth in the strength of the new city thanks to their golden hands. Skillful craftsmen quickly brought their settlement, named Ljaringhi, to prosperity. This small town, more similar in size to the village, was considered the richest place in all of Halkidiki.


 Preserved Beauty


The wars and invasions of the enemies left their cruel trace. Half of the settlement was destroyed by the Turkish forces before the foundation even during the Greek War for Independence. But despite this, the city's residents rebuilt their beloved city and began to decorate it again to their taste, preserving their vision of beauty in homes, taverns and public buildings. The traditional style of the medieval village still dominates the streets of Arnea.


The gray masonry of the mansions rises from the sidewalks and pavements. The upper floors of the houses seem floating in the air, due to the difference in the colors of the basement floors. The sky-blue, apricot and pale pink colors of neat little houses create an atmosphere of order and serenity in the streets.


Balconies with ivy or covered with bright violets stand out under the tiled roofs - the traditional Macedonian architecture is manifested here in all its beauty and color.



Church with artifacts


Wandering among these tidy mansions, skirting the centuries-old plane trees and keep watching a tall bell tower as an orientir landmark that is visible from any part of the village, the traveler will certainly go to the church of Agios Stefanos of St. Stephen. One local family worked on the interior of the church of St. Stephen.

Now the high wooden ceiling of the church is supported by wooden beams.


The glass floor allows you to view the frescoes of even more ancient temples that once wew located in this very place. The richly decorated iconostasis amazes with its beauty even sophisticated travelers.


Folklore museum


The Ethnological Museum of Arnea is arranged in one of the two-story houses, the picturesque mansion of Konstantinos Katsangelos,. Here you can find everything that the people of this mountain village are proud of. Everything, which is connected with the cultivation of the land, is shown in one of the corners, for example the collection of cereals, the grinding of flour and the preparation of lush, fragrant and delicious bread. Another room of the museum, decorated with rich carpets and embroidered bedspreads, is the result of the work of local craftsmen. After all, Arnean women were famous for their weaving since ancient times. Many guests of this mountain village even bring handkerchiefs, tablecloths and rugs, embroidered by Arnei's craftsmen, as souvenirs.

There are kitchen utensils, amphorae for wine and oils and a whole coffee collection in the other corner of the Arnie ethnological museum. Here you can see all the traditional elements of the Greek coffee ceremony such as small cups for strong and fragrant coffee, Turks and queen of the exposition - a vintage machine for grinding coffee beans.


Particular attention of guests is attracted by another room of the mansion, where everything tells about the honey inharitage of the town. It presents everything that relates to the famous honey harvest of Arnea: hives, frames, fumigators, as well as devices for collecting honey. Many local residents in Arnea are still involved in beekeeping, creating unique and tasty honey collections.


Tourists should take this delicious honey as a reminder of their trip to Arnea, each drop of which carries the taste of mountain herbs, the scent of dense forests and the smell of the distant sea.

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