
Charm of the capital of the Chalkidiki peninsula

Polygyros is not just the center of the Chalkidiki peninsula, but also a picturesque town with a long history.

When you come to Chalkidiki, you could yield to a great temptation to spend your entire vacation in relaxing on the luxurious beaches of the peninsula. But why not go outside the resort and go to Polygyros instead? It is the capital of the prefecture, the cultural center of Chalkidiki and just a city where there is a lot to do.

History of Polygyros

Polygyros is located on a 500-meter hill, where the slopes of the mountains are covered with oaks and surrounded by olive groves. There are several versions of the origin of the name Polygyros. Someone connects it with the word "slopes", someone with the expression "very strong", i.e., "the place of a healthy climate." Another version connects the word "Polygyros" with the name of the rich landowner and the last one with the name of the sanctuary found in this area.

The history of Polygyros is known from the Byzantine period. Many historians connect the city with ancient Apollonia, others argue that Apollonia was located near the modern Polygyros. The most important historical event here is the beginning of the revolution in Chalkidiki. On the 17 of May 1821, the people of Polygyros turned out the Turkish garrison and forced the hostile army to leave this area. However, the Turks returned and burned all the villages of the district. Polygyros was able to get rid of the yoke only in 1912, after they had become a part of Greece.

What to look in Polygyros

At first, one should plan a visit to the Archaeological Museum of Polygyros, perhaps the main archaeological museum in Chalkidiki. It is located in the center of the city and has an impressive collection of finds from all corners of the peninsula. The most interesting were brought from Ancient Stagira, Afytos, Toroni, the surroundings of Polygyros and Olynthus. In the Archaeological Museum, you can see a standard set of antiquities from clay figurines and coins to vases, fragments of pagan temples, jewelry, funeral steles, amphorae and statuettes from sanctuaries.

The folklore museum is another interesting place for visiting. It has been working for 20 years, and during this time, the local residents significantly enlarged the collection with exhibits. The folklore museum is designed in such way that visitors can be literally transferred to the XIX century. Interior copies the life of that time; there are living room, kitchen, and bedroom. Among the exhibits are kitchen utensils, a loom, authentic furniture and national costumes from the villages of Polygyros.

There are several churches in the city. It is difficult to imagine any populated point of Greece without them. The church of Saint Nicholas, the patron of Polygyros is in the old part. The church of Saint Modest is also worthy of attention. The old icon of the saint is kept there. The Byzantine church of the Transfiguration is full of the wall paintings and frescoes. The temple of Elijah the Prophet and the cross in honor of the inhabitants of the peninsula who fell for the freedom of Greece rise above Polygyros. The temple is interesting not only as a religious monument. From the height of the observation deck there is a picturesque view of the surroundings of Polygyros and the sea.

If you go to Polygiros municipality, you can see a snow-white monument to Aristotle. The birthplace of the greatest of the Greek philosophers was Stagira, a city located near the modern capital of the Chalkidiki Peninsula. The locals of Polygyros attend to the famous philosopher with great admiration. The monument that is next to the city hall captured Aristotle at a younger age, rather than on similar statuettes. A box with scrolls, so called "portable library", which the philosopher always kept with him, lies at his feet.

It will be useful and exciting to spend time walking through the streets. Here, ancient stone mansions and houses in neoclassical style and in the traditions of Macedonian architecture surround modern buildings.

What else to do in Polygyros

You cannot go past the shops in Polygyros. For a long time the region around the city is famous for its olive oil, therefore it is worth buying high-quality "liquid gold" here. Green and large local olives belong to the "Chalkidiki" variety. Most of the shops are concentrated on a pedestrian street, in the center of Old Polygyros. The cozy taverns also work here.

In addition, Polygyros is famous for its rich cultural life. In the summer, there is the Polygyros Festival, which involves the capital of Chalkidiki and nearby villages. The program includes performances by musicians and folklore groups. It is a great chance to feel oneself as a local and join in the fun. The date of the beginning of the revolution in Chalkidiki is also widely celebrated. Moreover, if it is possible, it is worth visiting Polygyros during the carnival. It is held in the Shrovetide week and accompanied by colorful processions.

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