
Legends and real history

Histoty and literature made this place famous and glorious.

This place is known not only to Greeks. Thermopylae became known in literature and history as an example of a courageous and sacrificing resistance of patriots against a numerous army of enemies. 
The name of Thermopylae was received due to the hot sulfuric springs beating here from under the earth. This word means "warm gate" in Greek. Ancient people were sure that infernal river Styx appears on the surface of the Earth exactly at this place. According to some myths the body of Heracles was burnt here by his sons.

Today it is difficult to imagine that many thousands years ago, a well-known battle was developing here. During the Greek-Persian war the legendary tsar Leonid and 300 Spartans constrained uncountable Persian army during three days. 
Then, more than 2,5 thousand years ago, it was possible to stop numerous Persian army, only using the narrowest passes to equal a superiority in strength of Persians. The Thermopylae gorge became such place. For a military campaign the tsar of Sparta has selected 300 best soldiers. However, it should be noted, that together with Spartans, soldiers from many other Greek policies joined the battle. According to different data, they formed the army numbering from five to eight thousand people. The first 2 days of the Persians attack were successfully beaten off. On the 3rd day the secret track was opened by the traitor Efialt. The Persian group surrounded the Greeks protecting the pass and, thus, the Greek army was killed in action. The way to Greek territory was opened for Persians.

Several monuments established in honor of the glorious events are located in Thermopylae. A monument to the tsar Leonid "Μολὼν λαβέ" (that in translation from Greek means all-known expression "Come and take!" These words were addressed to the leader of the Persian army Kserks in response to his requirement to obey and hand over the weapon. On a metope under the monument the scenes of the battle are presented. 

There is also a monument to the fespiyets who were battling side by side with Spartans. It was opened in 1997 and represents a sculpture of one of Fespiya's patrons – God Eros. The God is represented headless that symbolizes unknown heroes; one wing is spread as a sign of glory and freedom, another is broken and means the lack of triumph; his nakedness shows bravery and courage. 

On the place of the heroic Leonid's army defeat the monument has been erected. The words of the Ancient Greek poet Simonid Keossky are cut on it: "The traveler, go tell our citizens in Lacedaemon that, observing their orders, here we have fallen dead".

In spite of the fact that today the Thermopylae gorge doesn't look as it was in the ancient time. The landscape of the Thermopylae gorge has significantly changed with the time: in ancient centuries this pass could be measured by 60 steps, now its width makes from 1,5 to 5 kilometers. But memory and glory of a heroic feat of the Spartans is still alive. They have become an example of improbable courage and self-sacrifice not only for Greeks, but for the whole world.

Useful Info

A small hydropathic resort with a complex of hot hydrosulphuric springs is located near the monument to the tsar Leonid. It is possible to bathe here in any weather as the water temperature reaches 30 degrees.

How to get

Thermopylae is 136 km northwest of Athens.

By car: from Athens on the route Athenes-Thesalonniki E75\ A1 (follow the indicators).

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