The birthplace of the great philosopher

Thousands of travelers come to look at the ancient Stagira every year. The polis hosts everyone, exposing ancient foundations and granting beautiful views.

The native land of Aristotle

Many great places are hidden behind Chalkidiki’s hills. One of them is the ancient Stagira. A small ancient Greek polis, devastated in the I century B.C. This place strikes with its harmony with which the ruins of ancient buildings blend into the green landscape. The knowledge that the great Greek philosopher Aristotle was born precisely on this piece of Thracian land two and a half thousand years ago is enough to comprehend the true spirit of Stagira. The young philosopher’s sandals trampled these hills, these beautiful bays he saw with his eyes, and he became addicted to science under this very sky.

History of ancient Stagira

The very ancient Stagira was one of those many small towns that were scattered along the coast of the Aegean Sea. Peaceful residents of Stagira didn’t seek to manage nearby poleis and launch bloody wars. Therefore, the city alternately joined the strongest of the belligerent rivals. First, Stagira was part of the Delian League, ruled by powerful Athens, for the time of the Peloponnesian wars passed under the auspices of Sparta, and then completely joined the Chalcidian League, with its capital in the city of Olynthus.

While internecine wars were going on in the south of Greece, the power of Ancient Macedonia, led by Philip II, the legendary father of the great Alexander, was strong in the north. In 348 B.C, Macedonian troops entered Stagira and destroyed the polis to the ground. However, this did not end the history of the glorious city. After all, by that time his great native, Aristotle had already become a teacher of the young Alexander of Macedon. From the mere respect for his son's mentor, Philip rebuilt the ancient Stagira anew, giving the city one more chance. However, already in the I century B.C. the city was devastated again.

Landscapes and nature of Stagira

Now in place of Stagira, the remains of ancient city walls, the foundations of dozens of houses and the ancient Agora, which literally merged with the surrounding landscape, become decrepit. No traveler will resist the temptation to arrange a photo session in this amazing place. After all, from a dilapidated fortress wall, a view that remains forever in everyone's heart opens, this is the endless turquoise of the Aegean Sea, resting in the picturesque bays of ancient Stagira, buried in the green hills of the peninsula of Chalkidiki. It remains only to guess what courage cost Aristotle leaving this earthly paradise in an effort to comprehend wisdom in the Athenian school of Plato.

Authentic cuisine of cozy Olympiada

Not far from the ancient Stagira on the seashore, a modern village of Olympiada grew up. This village lives in perfect harmony with splashing waters. Men every day go to the sea for a new catch, from which women then prepare stunning dishes of fish and seafood. For the traveler, every bit of the ordinary diet of local residents becomes a touch to the Greek exotic. From the taverns you can hear the exciting smells of juicy seafood, where the guests look forward to huge shrimps in saganaki sauce, and in a neighboring coffee shop the tired traveler makes his first gulp of strong Greek coffee...

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