Fountain of Morosini

Medieval treasure and symbol of the city of Heraklion

Fountain Morosini is an excellent example of the architecture of the Venetian period. It is favorite place of all the citizens for meetings, walks and dates.

Greece is famous for its ancient cities, which are literally imbued with unique events of the past. One of them is Heraklion, the capital of the island of Crete, legendary and popular throughout the world by its ancient monuments belonging to different epochs and dynasties.


Fountain Morosini is an interesting structure located in the center of Lions` square, which is located in the historical part of the city of Heraklion. It is considered the starting point of many routes: excursions to Fontana Morosini are included in the mandatory program of the planned trip to Crete.


Fountain Morosini has the name of its founder Francesco Morosini, valiant commander and governor, who ruled on Fr. Crete in the XVII century. The best masters and engineers of that time worked out with  the project and the creation of the majestic design. They managed to bring to the source a fresh water supply system 15 kilometers long. In fact, it was a water supply system that supplied the city with clean drinking water, which was supplied by special aqueduct from mountain slopes.


Hydrotechnical construction is an original sculptural composition in the form of an eight-leafed, decorated with relief stories of Greek mythology such as beautiful nymphs, newts, dolphins, sea monsters. Its grand opening took place in 1628, the day of St. Mark (April 25). There is a pedestal with a wide bowl in the middle of the fountain supported by four lions: water is pouring from their open mouth. The huge stone sculptures symbolize the power of the Venetian Republic.


Once the central figure of the fountain was a statue of the ancient Greek god Poseidon, the ruler of the seas, holding a trident, and because of which the structure was nicknamed "The Source of the Giant." According to legend, the marble statue was destroyed during the earthquake, but there is another opinion that it was destroyed during the capture of the island by  Turkish. During the Turkish occupation, the image of the fountain underwent some changes: holes were made on its sueface, and the water was intended to  wash the hands, feet and face of the praying people.


Today, the charming composition is a significant historical monument for the whole of Greece and is protected by the state. Fountain has mostly decorative function, invariably gets  popularity among tourists. It is surrounded by cozy cafes, taverns, restaurants and souvenir shops. There are no less interesting attractions not far from it –for example, the Venetian Loggia and St. Mark's Church.

Useful Info

The restored fountain worked for the joy of guests and local residents during the Olympic Games in Greece in 2004. However, a few months later the Morozini fountain was turned off. And only now, in 2016, after installing a special water filtration system, the fountain renew its work again.

How to get

From the promenade t to the city center along the street. August 25, past the St. Titus Cathedral, to the Venizelos Square, and there is  a fountain in the center of square.

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