St. Andrew's Cathedral

St. Andrew's Cathedral in Patras

This temple, one of the largest in Greece, is a shrine not only to Greeks, but to the entire Christian world.

The Cathedral of St. Andrew the Apostle was erected in the early twentieth century on the site of the apostle's crucifixion.

According to the Gospel account, St. Andrew was the first of the disciples whom Christ called to serve as an apostle. The apostle St. Andrew wandered extensively preaching in the Greek land and came to Patras, where he performed many miracles and cured people of many diseases, including the wife and brother of the Roman proconsul of Egeat, who later on converted to Christianity. This fact particularly angered the proconsul, and he ordered the apostle to be executed by crucifixion.

On the territory of the Cathedral there are two temples, an old and a new one. The construction of the old temple began in the period from 1836 to 1843, and in September 1974, Archbishop Seraphim of Athens, the new temple was consecrated. The Cathedral contains the honorable head of St. Andrew the Apostle and a piece of the cross, on which he was crucified.

Since ancient times the Apostle Andrew is considered the heavenly patron of the city of Patras, and December 13 - on the day of the saint, the locals traditionally celebrate the Day of the city.

Useful Info

Near the old temple, at the place of the death of the Apostle Andrew, there is a holy spring, the holy water which serves to bless and sanctify the faithful.

How to get

- from Athens by car on the highway Olympia Odos A8\E94 and E65 (211 km);
- From Athens by bus from KTEL Kifisou bus station;
The temple is located in St. George Square, Patras

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