The Monastery of Anapaphsa (Saint Nicholas)

The greatness in the small

The miniature, castle-like monastery, built into the rock, is named after St. Nicholas. It is the smallest monastery of Meteora.

This monastery is called by the Greeks the monastery of St. Nicholas of Anapavas. The monastery was made famous by the Cretan iconographer Theophanes in the 16th century for his amazing works of art. No other monastery in Meteora has the same atmosphere as this humble abode of monks on top of an impregnable cliff. This monastery is more like a striving path to the sky.

The monastery of St. Nicholas, founded in the fourteenth century. Since that time, we know about his name - "Anapavasa". In translation from Greek, this name means "rest", "resting". Historians do not know why one of the six surviving orthodox gems of Meteora is so called. It is possible that it could mean the rest and repose of the first hermit monks, who voluntarily cut themselves off from the world and vanity of vanities. There is also a version that supports the origin of the name from the monk Nikanor Anapavas who allegedly lived in ancient times and founded the monastery.

Excavations and found artifacts suggest that the first structures on the mountain appeared much earlier, in the XII century, or maybe even earlier.

The multistory rock

The monastery is placed on a very small platform. It looks more like a temporary shelter for those seeking a way to God. A narrow, high cliff and a small fragment of buildable land indicated by the builders to the monks the most correct decision - to go to the height.

All the structures of the monastery look more like a mountain inhabited from top to bottom than individual buildings. This peculiarity of the relief of the stone cliff top has created a unique architectural appearance of the monastery: a narrow high building with several stories and tiny inner rooms.

Church of St. Anthony

The church of St. Anthony preserves the paintings of the early period of the monastery's history, dating back to the 14th century. The church looks more like a niche dotted with frescoes and stone vaults. Here, like a monastic cell, one feels the earthiness of life and the simplicity of prayer, the search for a way out of the mortal world.

The Church of St. Nicholas

The 16th century was the period of the monastery's greatest prosperity. It was at this time, at the invitation of the metropolitan of the ancient Greek city of Larissa, Dionysius the Merciful, and the exarch of Stagon Nikanor, that the monastery acquired the painting of one of the greatest post-Byzantine iconographers. We are talking about the founder of the Cretan iconographic school of Theophanes Strelitz. The painting of the Church of St. Nicholas, which is located on the second floor of the monastery, was the first major work of the internationally renowned iconographer.

Ascent to Heaven

Walking up the sacred paths of the monastery is not easy. You have to travel a long way by car and on foot.

To see this miniature monastery you have to overcome 143 steps in one rock and 85 steps that lead to the entrance of the temple. Anyone who has climbed the heights where the monks live has felt this ascent as if it were the road to heaven.

The high cliffs, pressed against the stone walls of the monastery's austere cells, give the impression of searching for the road to heaven.

Originally the way to the monastery, as well as to most monasteries, Meteora lay through a rope ladder. It was not until the early twentieth century that steps were added. But after its peak, the monastery gradually became deserted and closed. It was revived only by 1970. Today the monastery is inhabited by one or more monks. It is a very secluded and closed to the mundane world that welcomes those who are selfless and seek unity with God.

The iconographer of the monastery

As mentioned above, the most famous iconographer of the monastery remains St. Theophanes of Crete (Strelitzas). He is the founder of the unique Cretan-Venetian school of Orthodox iconography. Born in Heraklio of Crete in 1500, he was able to become one of the most famous iconographers. Theophanes came from a family of hereditary artists. He took monastic tonsure on Mount Athos in 1558 and became famous for painting the temples of the most famous monasteries on Mount Athos, the Great Lavra and the Stavronikites.

An island where every step takes one to heaven. This is the monastery of St. Nicholas of Anapavas, where everyone can find his way to the highest.

Useful Info

The monastery is open to visitors: In winter (1/11-31/03) 9:00-14:00; in summer (1/04-31/10) 9:00-15:30.

Closed: Friday (winter and summer)

How to get

From Kalambaki by cab or on foot through the village of Kastraki

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