

“This stronghold of Orthodoxy attracts pilgrims from all over the world. Magnificent temples ascend to the sky; magical landscapes set on sublime thoughts and grant peace to the soul”.

Greece is like a treasure trove in which unique works of art are collected - in another way it is impossible to name these structures, from one kind which captures spirit. At the same time visit for one excursion - yes even for one trip! - all temples and monasteries are impossible. They are incredibly many, they are located in the south, north, in the center of the country, on numerous islands ... But you can visit the most spectacular, unforgettable places thanks to our excursion.

Saint Anastasia is a healer of spiritual and bodily ailments

The God gave to Saint Anastasia the unique power to heal the soul and physical wounds of the suffering, to protect them from sorceress enchantments, to resolve the bond of unjustly condemned and to console those who are imprisoned. The relics of Saint Anastasia are kept in the monastery dedicated to her in Basilica, founded by Saint Theophano during the reign of her husband, Emperor Leo VI (886-912). The monastery knew periods of prosperity and decline, but, regardless of time, remained a bulwark of spirituality and a repository of great shrines.

The village of Souroti is the last refuge of the Athonite elder St. Paisios

In the small village of Souroti, which became the last refuge of the Athonite elder St. Paisios, is the convent of St. John the Theologian. The strictest Athonite rules reign here, 67 zealous nuns praise the name of the Lord solely by candlelight. Paisios the Svyatogorsk, who founded this holy place, died at the age of 70 and was buried in this monastery. Pilgrims, visiting the monastery, can visit the library, get acquainted with the life of Paisios’ father and taste delicate rahat-lukum, washing it down with crystal clear water. Guests' refreshments are a long tradition of this place.

The Annunciation Monastery in Ormylia is the most famous farmstead!

Despite the fact that the convent of the Annunciation in Ormylia was founded only in 1974, it is one of the most famous Athos monasteries outside the Holy Mountain. Today, this monastery can be safely called one of the largest Greek monasteries - more than a hundred nuns work in this holy place, observing the strictest charter, similar to the charter of the community of the elder Joseph Hesychast on Athos.

Saint Arsenius and the prayer that pierces the stone

Not far from the women's monastery in Ormylia is the monastery of St. Arsenius the Cappadocian, founded by the Monk Paisios of Athos. Saint Arsenius is called the greatest saint of the 20th century in Greece. Eyewitnesses claim that his prayers could pierce the stone, heal the deaf and blind, put the paralyzed to the feet and pacify the demoniacs. You can visit the monastery four days a week, excluding Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Fill your soul with the grace of the holy monasteries of northern Greece and experience the heavenly power that protects these places. Only prayer in the walls of ancient temples and monasteries is able to imbue any traveler with a belief in a miracle, a hope for healing and an ambulance of the Lord and immense love for all life. This unique opportunity will be presented to you by our excursion, which will be interesting not only for believers, but for all connoisseurs of beautiful nature and Orthodox art, imprinted in ancient icons, paintings and architecture.

What to wear

Visiting holy places, we must not forget that: “when in Rome, do as the Romans do”. This applies to clothes - monks welcome restraint and modesty, long dresses and skirts for women and long sleeves for men. Shoes for excursions should be comfortable, includes the mountainous terrain.

What to take

You should start with a good mood. Take money for souvenirs, food and drink. Photo and video gadgets will help to save your memories, so do not forget them!


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EXCURSION Private Guided Tour

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350 € excursion Book
AUTO BUSINESS CLASS Mercedes E Class up to 4 Pax.
400 € excursion Book
MINIVAN BUSINESS CLASS Mercedes Vito Tourer up to 8 Pax.
500 € excursion Book

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