Radon Lake Vulyagmeni

Athens' favorite body of water

The unique lake Vouliagmeni is famous for its miraculous properties to heal from any disease. Women seek to bathe in it to regain their youth, and for young men bathing in the thermal waters is fraught with a meeting with mermaids, so the legends say.

The area of Lake Vouliagmeni is one of the most elite resort areas of the suburbs of Athens. Here, wealthy Greeks live in luxurious villas and wealthy holidaymakers stay in the local hotels, many of whom combine business with relaxation and recreation. This is why the local infrastructure abounds with business centers, hotels and top-class entertainment venues.

Thermal Spa

For a long time only influential people had access to the lake, and the properties of its water were kept in utmost secrecy. But now the resort is available to all, but vacation here can hardly be called budget.

The uniqueness of the lake is in the composition of thermal water, whose temperature throughout the year is kept at a mark of not less than 20 degrees. All kinds of minerals, metals, sulfur and radon give the thermal springs healing properties. Vugliagmeni offers treatment for headaches, skin, gynecological, rheumatoid diseases and those related to the respiratory system.

Even the air on the territory of the natural health resort helps to strengthen the body. There are densely planted eucalyptus and pine trees, the smell of which makes the microclimate particularly favorable for health.

The origin of the lake

There are two theories about the formation of the natural phenomenon of Vulyagmeni. According to one version, the foundation of the lake was a volcano crater, and according to the other - the ceiling of the cave, which collapsed due to natural causes.

The water in the lake is salty, as it is mixed with the sea through a six-meter channel to the bay.

The bottom of the lake remains unexplored. Numerous underwater caves hinder people's desperate attempts to learn all the secrets of the thermal spa. Many have even paid with their lives for their curiosity.

Even nowadays Vouliagmeni is a Mecca for divers, who are attracted by underwater tunnels. The largest one in the world is 800 meters long and 150 meters wide.

Historical value

Archaeologists have found traces of ancient people on the lake. Findings date back to 3000 BC. In particular, in 1924 the remains of marble pedestals, columns and plates with the mention of Apollo Zostiros were discovered. Since then, Vouliagmeni is often visited by scientists.


In summer the thermometers of Lake Vouliagmeni go above 30 degrees. In winter it is at least 10 degrees plus. The weather at the resort is sunny and clear all year round, the rainfall is more frequent only in winter.

Beaches .

A huge plus of the resort are considered ideally clean sandy beaches. Almost all of them belong to hotels, so the entrance to them is paid. The cost of a day pass includes a sun lounger and an umbrella. There are also a variety of bars and cafes, as well as equipped playgrounds for children, where they will take care of tutors and animators.

For lovers of active beach holidays provides a wide range of entertainment: from diving to walks on a yacht with the opportunity to make a photo shoot against a backdrop of breathtaking views.

What else can you see

On the lake, tourists can not only improve their health, but also culturally enrich their leisure time by visiting local attractions: stalagmite caves, stone lighthouse, the monastery of St. Potapius and other interesting places. If you wish, you can easily organize a trip to other famous monuments and landmarks, which are so rich in the capital of Greece.

Lovers of national cuisines will appreciate the variety of restaurants and cafes, some of which are themed. Here you can taste the sea cuisine, the Mediterranean, as well as dishes of different peoples of the world.

Lovers of passive recreation will love the souvenir stores, where you can buy memorabilia with the attributes of Greece and the resort itself.

Lake Vouliagmeni is a unique place that will give you a sense of exclusivity, because not everyone has the honor to dive in the waters where, according to legends, Athena herself splashed!

Useful Info

The radon water of the lake is not good for everyone. Those with fever and inflammation, those who have recently had a stroke or ischemia, as well as those suffering from hyper-hypotension or anemia, should refrain from bathing in Vullagmeni.

How to get

From Athens to Vouliagmeni is a little over 20 km. You can take a cab (not more than 25 euros), or you can take a regular bus or public transportation. The lake itself is within walking distance from the city center and the sea is no more than 100 meters away.

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